
In the News: 2012-02-08

Written on:February 8, 2012
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Mac News: Firmware updates enable Lion Internet Recovery for more Mac models
One of the not-so-glamourous but very useful features introduced with Lion (Mac OS X 10.7) was Lion Recovery, where the Lion installer creates a small, invisible, bootable partition on your hard drive that lets you repair your drive or even reinstall Lion if you have a problem.
Read full story => MacWorld

Technology News: Forget transparent aluminum: researchers make iron invisible to X-rays
Transparency is generally a property of a material’s density or crystal structure, and varies depending on the wavelength of light. However, transparency can also be achieved by exploiting quantum interference between energy level transitions in atoms. Up until now, such transparency has been confined to optical wavelengths, due to the typical energies of atomic transitions.
Read full story => ars technica

Programming News: HTML5 for Desktop Application Development
Most developers know that it makes a lot of sense to develop software that you can “write once and run anywhere.” It’s more economical, easier to implement cross-platform, and generally leads to fewer headaches. Back when the most important and/or dominant platform was the Desktop, QT and Java made it easy to develop software that could be run anywhere. But enter the Smartphone Era stage-left, and you’ve got a problem – those solutions are not available on iPhones, iPads, etc.
Read full story => intridea

Other News: RIAA Totally Out Of Touch: Lashes Out At Google, Wikipedia And Everyone Who Protested SOPA/PIPA
Remember all that talk of how the supporters of SOPA/PIPA were “humbled” by the protests of January 18th, and how they had learned their lessons about trying to push through a bill without actually involving the stakeholders? Remember the talk of how they hoped a new tone could be found in the debate? Yeah. Apparently someone forgot to send that memo to RIAA boss Cary Sherman, who has taken to the pages of the NY Times to lash out at those who fought against SOPA/PIPA, chalking the whole thing up to a massive “misinformation” campaign by Google and Wikipedia. The whole thing is chock full of ridiculous claims, so we might as well go through it bit by bit.
Read full story => techdirt

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