
In the News: 2013-02-06

Written on:February 6, 2013
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Apple News: Gartner: Apple’s Macs will be as accepted as Windows PCs by 2015
By the end of next year, Apple OS X-based Mac laptops will be as well accepted by IT pros as their Microsoft Windows-based counterparts, according to Gartner. Driven by Apple’s efforts to make its OS X operating system more compatible with the iPhone’s, iPad’s and iPod Touch’s iOS, more users will bring OS X devices to work where IT will have to deal with them, says David Mitchell Smith, a vice president and Gartner fellow.
Read full story => InfoWorld

Technology News: Security rules for social networks won’t resolve breaches
Recent cyberattacks on social networks have raised concerns over the safety of user data. However, any call to establish mandatory security regulation or standards for this industry will be limited because data on social media is not considered critical and safeguards do not guarantee hackers will not strike again.
Read full story => ZDNet

Programming News: Do programmers still write in C++?
I find this question pretty strange. The answer is yes, of course, and that will be so for a long time. But I’m asked this question from time to time at conferences or when communicating with developers on forums. I’ve decided to answer this question in the form of a brief post so that I could just refer people to it in the future.
Read full story => Viva64

Photography News: 7 Lessons You Can Learn from Shooting with a Camera Phone
What would your reaction be if someone suggested that you should cut all ties with one of your best friends and closest companions? No, I’m not talking about your significant other or your pet. I’m talking about your camera. And not just any camera. Your main camera. Specifically your expensive, heavy dSLR with all the buttons and dials and switches.
Read full story => Light stalking

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