
In the News: 2014-08-11

Written on:August 11, 2014
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Apple News: Check Out Apple SVP Jony Ive’s $17 Million House In San Francisco [Photos]
If you ever wanted to make yourself feel inferior, then having a good think about what kinds of things you’d be able to buy if you were worth millions or even billions of dollars is a good way to do it. While we should probably just be happy for what we’ve got – new smartphones, tablets, games etc aren’t things everyone has access to – there’s no doubting that some people live in a completely different world to the rest of us. Take Apple’s head design man, Jony Ive. Now Apple’s ‘Senior Vice-President of Industrial Design’, Ive has understandably amassed himself quite the bank account. So, what do you do when you’ve earned huge sums of money and live in San Francisco? Well, you buy a mansion of course.
Read full story => RedmondPie

Technology News: Offline over the weekend? Read all the tech news you missed right here
Being the fun, popular, easy-going socialite that you are means that you probably didn’t spend the weekend with your eyes glued to a screen in order to keep up-to-date on the best in tech news and features. But fear not, we’ve got you covered. All you need to do is set your phone to silent, put your feet up (metaphorically or literally) and catch up on the tech news, good reads and more from The Next Web and beyond over the weekend.
Read full story => TheNextWeb

Programming News: Can We Trust the Libraries We Use?
Any large modern application consists of numerous third-party libraries, and I’d like to discuss the topic of our trust in these libraries. In books and articles, there are lots of debates about code quality, testing methods, development methodologies, and so on. But I don’t remember anyone discussing the quality of bricks applications are built from. So let’s talk about it today. For example, there is the Medicine Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK). I find it to be implemented pretty well. At least, I have noticed just a few bugs in its code. But I cannot say the same about the code of the third-party libraries used there. So the question is: how much can we trust such systems? Much food for thought.
Read full story => Viva64

Photography News: State of the Photography Industry
I see so many photographers (especially those who are new as in the past five years), tell me I am negative and horrible for trying to ‘squash their dreams’…. then I am told that I can’t “live in the past” and that I must “evolve” if I want to be a success. Sweetheart, I lived success as a photographer with the hundreds of thousands in revenue pouring into my studio (if you need figures, between 2009–2011, my business was bringing in between $300,000 and $400,000 in revenue PER YEAR – and I have the lovely back taxes to prove it – which is no fun, and I’m still struggling to deal with). I know what it was like very well, but what you struggle with is called REALITY. What I’m going to discuss is basic business and economics. Don’t believe me? Please, I beg of you, take some business and economics classes. It will open your eyes. For me, my common sense and observations already told me these things, but taking actual college classes (not workshops done by stay-at-home moms or failed business owners) for business gave me the words to use to describe what is going on. What you have here is a basic business cycle. This can be applied to an individual business, but for these purposes, I am applying it to an entire industry.
Read full story => JodieOtte

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