
In the News: 2014-08-29

Written on:August 29, 2014
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Apple News: Apple to unveil next products at Sept. 9 event
Apple’s latest product launch will be in a setting that holds a special place in its history, signaling how big this event is for the company. The Sept. 9 launch, which is expected to feature a larger iPhone and possibly a computerized watch, will be in the same Silicon Valley venue where Apple’s late co-founder, Steve Jobs, took the wraps off the original Mac computer 30 years ago. That machine was hailed as a major breakthrough that helped bring personal computing to the masses. These events have become an annual rite since the 2007 release of the iPhone, but this year’s may be the most highly anticipated since the iPad came out in 2010.
Read full story => WXYZ

Technology News: Technology trends can work for business
TECHNOLOGY has greatly influenced how we communicate and get our information. JUST think, it took radio 38 years before it reached 50 million users, and it took television 13 years to hit that plateau. It took only four years for the internet to reach 50 million users. By comparison, in less than one year, Facebook added 200 million users. Stop and really think about those numbers. In the past five years, technological advancement is moving faster than at any other period in our history. And it continues to advance at a quick pace. Blink and there is something new. So what’s next? At this year’s Vocus Demand Success marketing and public relations conference, Randi Zuckerberg, formerly of Facebook and sister of founder Mark, outlined several trends business people need to be aware of:
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Programming News: Top 6 Websites to Learn Programming Languages
A programmer’s job is considered to be the most interesting job in the world. A programmer is a person, who hates his job, but actually loves to work. When the code works out, there is nothing better, but making the code working out perfectly, requires you to have a lot of practice, and to be having the basics cleared tip to top. There are so many programming platforms, that the job saturation point is impossible to attain. Every platform, further has a lot of other bases, which makes the job availability so much better, and motivational. As a programmer, to be mastering the stuff, requires practice, but if you want to be a programmer, the first thing we need to do, is to actually learn the languages. Learning programming languages are very easy, and more over free. You need not look for that local tutor, and book classes at him, if you have the interest to you. Internet is full of tip top tutorials about every programming language, and cool exercise patterns, which will make it all a worthy and practical learning experience!
Read full story => DesignCular

Photography News: The 10 Commandments of Landscape Photography (and how to break them)
When you first start out in landscape photography, observing a few of the classic conventions can really make a difference to the kind of results you get. Just knowing how to adjust aperture so you get maximum depth of field in an image is a big help, as is understanding some of the classic theories of photo composition. But here’s the thing: if you rigidly apply even the best landscape photography tips to every single shot you take, your images will soon look very samey and formulaic. It’s a balancing act between convention and experimentation, and to help you make the best creative decisions we’ve put together what we believe are the 10 Commandments of Landscape Photography – and a helpful guide for knowing when to break them.
Read full story => DigitalCameraWorld

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