
In the News: 2013-10-11

Written on:October 11, 2013
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Apple News: MacPaint is Back at Long Last with Cloudpaint
Flat design is all the rage these days, but back in 1984, flat was all there was. And back then, the Mac shipped with an acclaimed paint application: MacPaint. The legendary app showed the world that computers could, indeed, be the bicycle for the mind that Steve Jobs wanted so desperately. Today’s TextEdit was the successor to Mac OS Classic’s SimpleEdit, but MacPaint never got a 21st century upgrade. That is, until now. Cloudpaint is a new web app that nearly perfectly replicates MacPaint in any modern browser — and it’s a ton of fun to play with.
Read full story => AppStorm

Technology News: 8 Ways Technology Will Make Life Easier
In celebration of Today’s Garden Center‘s 10th anniversary, we are looking towards the industry of the future. We predict that retail technological advances may not be as flashy as driverless cars and Google Glass, but they will have profound impact on retailers, their customers, and even the economy. This article offers ideas occurring today that we think will help you thrive in the next 10 years. Technology is advancing at dizzying rates. Labs across the world are finding new ways to link people together and to eliminate repetitive jobs. Here are my predictions of the technological advances that will have the greatest impact on garden retail.
Read full story => Mapcite

Programming News: Ruby scripting language makes embedded play
Popular scripting language Ruby is branching out into embedded applications, with an mruby version of the language. But the main Ruby variant is viewed by its founder as needing only minor improvements in upcoming versions. Appearing Wednesday afternoon at a Ruby user site in the San Francisco Bay Area, Ruby founder Yukihiro Matsumoto talked of his latest project, mruby, the lightweight version of Ruby for embedded applications that was first released last year. Mruby will vie with languages such as Java and C in the embedded space, but Matsumoto sees mruby as a superior language to Java – at least when it comes to embedded development. He downplayed the usefulness of Java ME (Micro Edition), which is intended for embedded development, saying it was “not really Java.”
Read full story => InfoWorld

Photography News: Composition in photography
In this article, I will cover a core concept in photography that is neglected by a surprising amount of photographers. Photography is a wonderful mixture of science and art. The science part can be intriguing and is an important aspect but not the whole of it. Techniques like depth-of-field control, slow shutter speed effects or motion freeze are all interesting but they only compliment one of the core concepts of photography which is closer to art: composition.
Read full story => PictureCorrect

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