
In the News: 2013-10-09

Written on:October 9, 2013
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Apple News: Warning: ‘Confirm Your Apple Account’ Phishing Scam
Apple world, we do everything by our account at, it includes our phone numbers and passwords for many websites, personal photos, credit cards, social accounts, personal notes and everything in your iPhone. Your personal information may put you at risk, for this reason we are going to learn you how to protect yourself from hackers, follow us after the break! When you receive a message purporting to be from Apple’s official website like the one below, claims that the recipient needs to click a link to log into. Actually, this email is not from Apple, its a phishing scam designed to trick you into divulging sensitive personal and financial data via a bogus website.
Read full story => ITechNow

Technology News: Samsung Goes First, Google Experiments And Apple Refines
There’s a new rhythm to product releases among the biggest players in mobile tech, and increasingly, Samsung is building a reputation as the most brash and quick-to-act of what I would call the ruling triumvirate, which also includes Google and Apple. Google plays the reasoned experimenter, Apple hangs back and refines the best ideas to come out of the market, but Samsung increasingly seems willing to absorb the costs of diving headlong into new territory, just to prove it can.
Read full story => TechCrunch

Programming News: The core flaw of pipes and conduit
This blog post has actually been through many iterations as I’ve investigated the problems more thoroughly. After looking at the various examples I’ll be bringing below quite a bit, I’ve come to a conclusion: there is just one single design decision in pipes which leads to the problems I’ll describe. And conduit has inherited half of this issue, leading to it getting some of these issues as well (and in some cases different issues). In this blog post, I’m hoping to motivate the fact that there is actually a problem. I’ve been working on some experimental code in conduit which changes this design, thereby simplifying the internal structure, keeping all of its current features, and solving the two ways in which conduit currently does not follow the category laws. I’ll describe all of these issues in this post, and save the new design for my next post.
Read full story => YesodWebFramework

Photography News: 5 tips to improve your photography skills – Understanding RAW (contd..)
The previous set of tips (5 tips for learning about RAW) dealt with some knowledge of the advantage of shooting with RAW vs. shooting with JPEG. So what is RAW ? Well, as the name suggests, RAW is all the data that the camera sensor captures while taking a photo. RAW data is huge, much larger than JPEG. When shooting with JPEG, the camera still collects all the information that it captures in the form of a RAW image, and then converts this using some camera settings to create a JPEG image. The generated JPEG image is lossy and has lost some of the data that was captured by the sensor. There is no standard for RAW formats, they differ from manufacturer to manufacturer and even from camera to camera. Photographers are divided over whether they should shoot in RAW or JPEG, with ardent defenders of both. I tend to shoot in RAW, and the previous posts was about the advantages of RAW and the last post was just about some points of RAW. The idea was that somebody should go through all the points rather than just learning about the advantages or disadvantages of RAW and then take their own decision.
Read full story => 5PhotoTips

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