2017-08-16 Recovery Day 163

If you have not read yesterday’s posting, please do, otherwise you may not understand what I am about to report.

Before I update you about the additional Cyclophosphamide, also called Cytoxan infusion I am going to receive, let me update you about my pain.

Today was another good day, just like yesterday, because the only pain I had was the shoulder-back-shoulder pain which came in various pain levels. I also had no the morning sickness (dizziness and quizziness).

Now to the logistical part. Yesterday’s posting I ended with – It’s a catch 22, we can’t move things around, such as the hotel booking, until we get confirmation from the insurance company. Tomorrow will be a interesting day!

Things are looking up, the insurance company has approved the additional procedure. I had to get more blood work done, which looks good here according to my local team, but who knows what UCSF thinks. We are therefore waiting of their feedback before booking a hotel for the weekend.

Everything worked out, we got UCSF’s go ahead an hour after proving them with the blood work’s results and therefore we will be going tomorrow evening to check in to a hotel in San Francisco. This will ensure that we will be at our 07:00 appointment at UCSF for our 12 hour Cytoxan chemo infusion. We are asked to stay until Sunday in San Francisco so that in cause of possibility of side effects, such as high fever, we can check into UCSF’s ER. I am told that this treatment will wipe me out and it will a few days to recover.

That’s it for today, it was the good day for two reasons, the continuation of the reduction of the pain levels and locations and the approval and timing for the Cytoxan chemo infusion. Tomorrow Dianne and I will be leaving for San Francisco for the next phase in my road to recovery.