2017-09-29 Recovery Day 207

Today was another good day, including the night with its back pain that required medication every 3 hours. My CDC numbers stayed in range supporting the planned the discharge for Saturday. As to the back pain, the good news, as confirmed by yesterday’s X-Rays, no damage to the work done by the surgery. The bad news, the T12 was compressed a bit more causing the pain. I am sure that the surgeon will address that when I see him on the 13th October.

The doctor confirmed during her round that I could go home today, but agreed with us that tomorrow would be better since it would eliminate the rushing today would require. We wend over the discharge papers and what is next after getting home. The pharmacist came by to go with Dianne over the medication I will take for the next few weeks. After that the dietician came to outline what I was allowed or not to eat and how to prepare it. Dianne got from the radiology depart a copy of the X-Rays and the radiologist’s report to give to our surgeon.

That is all for today, I am looking forward to getting home tomorrow to get back to a ordered routine and sleep in my own bed again.