2018-05-23 Recovery Day 443

Health-wise things were not good, it started of with a good night sleep, no dizziness and good vitals. Breakfast was fine as well as my morning medication. Since it was the second Wednesday since my last treatment, today was all-day treatment day again. Dean dropped me of at the treatment center. So far, so good. After checking my vitals, taking some blood and connecting the IV to my port the show got on the road with the pre-meds followed with the Zometa infusion. Still things were good.

Things got bad after I got the main infusion, Darzalex. Shortly after staring the IV my left shoulder started to hurt and it did not take long before I spasms again. Awhile later my right should started up with the pain and spasms as well. I was given Dilaudid, a very potent opioid, to eliminate the pain and hopefully the spasms. The pain did disappear after awhile, but the spasms stayed. I was given a blanket to stay warm and a heating pad for the shoulder. To relax I listen to my music. By the time the treatment was done, the spasms were almost gone, it was time to go home.
Getting back home I rested for a bit, before writing this entry. There is not much more to write since the rest of the afternoon I will rest, have diner and watch TV before going to bed hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

In summary, today was a bad day.

Picture of the Day

A note about the pictures today. I took a taking a break from Zen Camera since I am undergoing full-day treatment and my time is limited. This set was taken early this morning and is all about trees that are in my neighborhood.

2018-05-23 – Trees, nothing but trees