2018-06-06 Recovery Day 457

Today was a all-day treatment day, starting at 9:00 and goes to a bit after 4:00 (09:00/16:00+). started off where the pain left me last night and all night. My day started with no signs of dizziness or nausea in the morning. I had my breakfast early and took my medication shortly after, so that I could pack up my stuff (laptop, cords , power adapters, etc). The only pain/stiffness I had was around my upper back (shoulder blades) which is something I have every day day.

By about 8:40 Dean dropped me of at the clinic. After checking in I went to the infusion room to start my treatment. It started with getting my vitals checked to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary that would prevent us from having the treatment today. Since everything was as it should be, I was hooked-up to the IV machine and received for starters my pre-meds. After that I had to wait about and hour to get the main infusion, Darzalex a biological.

I had planned to do some computer work, but before I know it I dozed off until about noon. After lunch I started to processed today’s photos which I took from the infusion room towards the many cars that parked all over since it was the last day of school which for many meant graduation. Before I knew it the treatment was done. After packing everything back up, Dianne took me home, were I rested for an our outside enjoying the fresh air before staying inside for the rest of the day.

There is not much more to write about, as dinner was soon and afterwards we watched some movies.

That it for today, in summary, today was overall a good day. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.

Picture of the Day

2018-06-06 – Receiving Treatment – All those cars